PAWAS Membership

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PAWAS offers a number of membership opportunities for those involved in the surgical profession or interested in joining or supporting surgical care.

PAWAS membership is available to Practicing Surgeons from all surgical specialties, to those Pursuing A Surgical Career, those Involved With The Surgical Teams and those Considering A Career In Surgery.

Individual Members

Individual members comprising of women physicians and women physicians in training in surgery and surgery affiliated fields (general surgery, special surgeries, obstetrics and gynecology, dental surgery etc.)

Associate members

Individual members comprising other health physicians in surgery and surgery affiliated fields, general surgery, special surgeries, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesia etc.

Physicians in other clinical specialties

Nursing health professionals

All other health professionals – physiotherapy, radiology etc.

Medical students

Affiliate members

Members from different groups with affiliations to this association.

Non- medical professionals